Hello Friends!

My name is Abby Rose, the creator behind In Her Wake. As a young environmental advocate, I was initially inspired to start this blog by the power to leave rippling positive change in the world through small actions. However, the passion behind the platform grew out of an urgency to WAKE UP to the realities facing this planet and our future on it. 

Climate Change. Plastic Pollution. Habitat Loss. Environmental Injustice. 

If you’re anything like me, these issues seem insurmountable, and they leave you feeling helpless and hopeless. Well, time and time again, it has been proven that even the smallest of changes can have cascading effects. 

In Her Wake began as a creative space to collect ideas, information, and stories to influence a wave of positive change. From slow fashion to sustainable travel, In Her Wake covers an array of lifestyle topics through an eco-conscious lens. 

I hope to build a community of optimistic, curious, and determined individuals with the power to support new ideas and hold each other accountable. So I invite you to learn and discover with me as we aspire to leave this Earth better than we found it, and I ask…

What legacy will you leave in your wake?

With love,

Abby Rose